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Why Are You Reading This?

I don't care what belief system, cultural background, weird habits, allergies, or anything else you have. Well, I respect and value it, but it doesn't determine whether or not I hope you read this blog. I HOPE YOU READ THIS BLOG! I hope no matter who you are, you know that the content can be beneficial for you.

I'm not here to create a blog addict out of you. I'm here to help you create your life in a meaningful way that is just SMOTHERED in the Savior and His Gospel--NOT in the world! (Smothered may be the wrong adjective I'm looking for....) with the help of quick posts a few times each week, I want each of us-meaning myself included-to open our eyes to the truly present and involved Savior of each of us. I hope that we will all realize that we can escape the world. We CAN. But we don't have to. It's up to us, so let's make the decision wisely together.

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