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Me in Oregon, flying a trick kite.

Y'all ever flown a trick kite before? Here are three tips:

  1. Don't throw the thing up in the air when you're trying to begin. Just hold it and let the wind take it up naturally.

  2. Move with the wind. Don't think you can just go whichever way you want, and it'll stay up just fine. You do that, it's going to crash. Just trust the wind and go with it.

  3. There needs to be tension! If you feel your strings loosening, you're losing control of your kite. You need to pull tighter to ensure tension between you and the kite.

  4. Remember that occasionally, the wind will be more powerfully blowing in one direction than the other, and that means you've got to compensate for it.

How flying a trick kite is like a microcosm of life:

  1. I can't try to force myself into the successful life I desire. If I push too hard, I'll just propel myself into the ground.

  2. Move with life. Let it flow through you, and allow yourself to flow through it. Don't fight what's going on in your life. Instead, let those things guide you to your goals.

  3. Be okay with tension! If there isn't tension, you're going to stop your progression and start descending.

  4. We need to keep in mind that sometimes, there will be certain parts of our lives that are tugging harder at us than other parts. Let them. Those areas may need more focus at that certain time.

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