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CONform or TRANSform

"And be not conformed to this world:

but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,

that ye may prove what is that good,

and acceptable,

and perfect,

will of God." Romans 12:2.


Trans prefix:

  • across

  • beyond

  • through

  • changing thoroughly

Con prefix:

  • with

  • together

Is it God who confines us and holds us back from truly being happy and enjoying our time to live? No. God tells us to progress and be happy and live for a future we can't even comprehend yet. The world tells us to do and believe what it's constantly throwing in our faces. It tells us the only way to progression is by being tied to the world.

So I guess, there's a few decisions we need to make here. 1: do I believe that God's the one who frees or confines? Please don't take my word for it. Make that decision yourself. Then, Upon coming to that conclusion ourselves, and assuming we decide that He does free, we have to decide 2: Will I conform or transform?

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