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The UPS Parable

People usually refer to hard times as trials. I guess that works. I think "those stinky times" is a good description. Regardless, it's then when the UPS guy keeps coming by and dropping off load after load of boxes onto your back. Here's what you look like:

And the boxes aren't filled with chocolate. They're filled with all kinds of stuff you didn't order, and you'd have to read the instruction manuals to assemble them. So you've got all this crap piling on, and you don't understand what the heck you're supposed to do with it all. But it's asked of you, so you do it. And somehow, you survive it. In fact, once you start opening up the boxes, you start to sort through and do the assembling. (Of course, somehow, you first had to figure out how to get all the boxes off your back so they could chill out all sprawled around you on the ground. It's a fun maneuver.) And as you open each of them, you discover that these boxes are actually filled with really cool stuff. They just don't seem cool until YOU do the assembling and figure out how to fit them into your life.

The UPS guy dropped them off to YOU because YOUR name was on the boxes. Sure, they came from lots of different sources, but the UPS guy checked to make sure they were supposed to go to you. And because you trusted him, you were willing to open up each of the boxes and make them useful in your life. The other option would be to just sit there with the boxes on your back, unopened, unexplained, and useless.

Moral of the story: open up the boxes on your back and figure out what use they're supposed to have in your life!

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