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Commitment seems to be the over-arching theme this week. Think about these questions. Get the juices going. Figure out something you need to focus on more--something you need to change or adjust, add or subtract... You get the point.

Have I fully committed to be His? Am I REALLY His?

Am I willing to open up the boxes during those stinky times and fully commit to living the life the Lord is inviting me to live?

Do I make changes in my life to conform to the world or to transform into what the Lord sees in me?

How well am I enduring my tough stuff?

Do I really trust Heavenly Father?

How faithful am I?

Between those questions, hopefully something came to mind. If twelve things came to mind, like it did for me, just pick one.

Here's mine! When something obnoxious, tricky, frustrating, or sad happens, I need to ask myself to open up the box and figure out its purpose in my life. So that's what I'm gonna do!

God's speed! Let me know how it goes!

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