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You know how sometimes you ask your computer to do something, and it just sits there and loads and loads... and loads? What if your computer answered back to you after rejecting your request by saying, "Eh. I just wasn't sure about it," or "I'm too tired," or another excuse? even a legitimate one like, "I was too afraid." Ooh! How about "I didn't hear you ask."

Next time you get peeved as you watch your device load, ask yourself if there's something Heavenly Father is waiting on you to load? (Keep in mind the really cool fact that unlike us, God doesn't get peeved when He waits. I'm sure He gets bummed that we're missing out on what's waiting as soon as we "fully load," but He never gets angry.)

But has He or is He asking you to do something, and your response has been one of these? "Eh. I just wasn't sure about it," or "I'm too tired." "I was too afraid," or "I didn't hear you ask." If so, why? That's probably something worth figuring out.

So what I'm saying is that the next time your phone takes a little longer to load, perhaps God is just using a more creative way to remind you to load a few things yourself.

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