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Here's the sum of this week. Don't just sit on your bum. DO SOMETHING NOW. When we're anticipating or hoping for a big change, sometimes we think we just have to wait for the right moment to attack and make it happen. That's the lazy monster trying to trick you because if that's your mentality, let's be honest. The right moment to attack will never arrive. What we actually need to do is act consistently. Life isn't supposed to be a cycle of feast and famine. If we choose to always be in the mode of action rather than letting life act on us, we can make small miracles happen DAILY which will lead to some big stinkin' miracles down the road. And the wait will feel much shorter... probably because it will be shorter. And you'll be smarter and happier and more prepared because of it.

START FRESH THIS WEEK BY saying no to lazy and now to life.

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