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Theory of the Leash

A pig on a leash...

I chose a pig because if we all want to be honest with ourselves, we're all pigs some days. Or all days. At least most days. So here's the story. You have a lovely pet pig, and you want to take care of it. You don't have one of those leashes that's basically a rope with a loop for you to hold onto it. You get one of the fancy, retractable leashes. Why? You don't want to be all controlling, but you still know that your pig will be an idiot at times and try to do things that will get him hurt of killed, and you want to be able to rescue your pig if need be.

So you go on a walk with your pig. (Should we name it? Let's call it Lassie because that's what first popped into my brain.) So Lassie is all excited for a new adventure, walking around town, seeing new things, etc. You let Lassie have her space and don't tug at every sign of danger. You just let her explore and experience and learn, and you keep a close eye and stay as involved as you need to.

There comes a point where Lassie sees this shop she wants to go browsing around, but you think to yourself: Dude, that store only sells cheap stuff that won't last. Not worth our time. So, first you leave the leash loose, and just walk away, giving her the option to follow. But Lassie stays, still trying to go inside. So you call out to Lassie and try to explain why you don't want to go inside.

I'm letting the story pause there, and you can be responsible for your own ending. Don't ask yourself what you think Lassie did. Ask yourself if you were Lassie, and the owner of Lassie were God, what would you do? listen? Tug? Gnaw off the leash? Whatever you would do, ask yourself why. You'll learn something about your relationship with Heavenly Father and your understanding of His role in your life.

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