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The Real Value-ometer

What does God see when He looks at you? How does He determine your value? I've heard a few different things, and after thinking about it, considering what scriptures and the Spirit have taught me, here's what I've learned.

It's definitely not this:

This is kind of like a bar graph...

Still No:

As if you were looking at the bar graph from a bird's eye view...

This one's closer:

Just a bunch of different, 3-D squares...

This still isn't quite accurate obviously because hello, I'm not God, so I'm not inside His brain... but here's the point. He doesn't even consider our value in comparison to anyone else. It doesn't even cross His mind to place us next to another to compare because we're all so different.

He sees you.

And He sees that other person.

But he doesn't place the two of you up against each other.

He sees yesterday's you, today's you and tomorrow's you.

He sees the eternal you.





future possibilities

... You get the point.

So we all need to quit worrying about if God values us or not, depending on who we are. Even if you don't believe in Him, He believes in you. Even if you're constantly metaphorically throwing His plan for you down on the ground, stomping it under your shoes, and walking away, He's always got a spare copy in hand. And even though the world tells us that He wants to control or restrict our lives, that's really not how He fulfills His purpose. He fulfills His purpose by helping you fulfill your Eternal Potential; however, our willingness to seek that eternal purpose doesn't even impact how much He values you.

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