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"You have carried the weight of your secret for way too long,

Thinkin' if there is a place called forgiveness, you don't belong.

Oh, but freedom can never be found behind those walls,

So just let 'em fall.

Just let 'em fall.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.


How long has it been since you've felt anything but shame?

Child, lift up your eyes 'cause mercy remembers your name.

And those tears you've been holdin' back,

Let 'em fall like rain.

'Cause today's the day.

Yeah, today's the day.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.






And just lift your eyes,

And lay it down.

What once was lost

Has now been found.

Oh, oh.

There's a world full of people dying from broken hearts.

Holding onto their guilt, thinking they fell too far.

So don't be afraid to show them your beautiful scars.

'Cause they're the proof.

Yeah, you're the proof.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.

I believe,

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.

Oh, the healing has begun.

For healing to come to realization, we have to allow Him into our lives. He won't force us to be healed, but He'll continue to be a few feet away, so that when you do reach out, He can start His process. I appreciate that this song doesn't say, "the healing has...happened." I realize that's also just not a very artsy phrase, but my point is there's a reason he emphasized that the healing had BEGUN. Healing is a process, I think mostly because we need it to be. We need to be able to understand all the different steps and levels of healing. Otherwise, we haven't really gained much from the experience. Sure, the pain would be gone, but would we understand or be able to explain to someone why it's gone?

Next, we need to let our experience of healing be a witness to those who haven't yet felt it in them. The act itself of letting Christ into our lives to heal us turns OUR VERY SELVES into a witness of Christ. No, you don't need to and shouldn't share your healing with everyone. That would tarnish the value of it. (I think we, in this world, over-share our lives...) But when there's someone placed in your life that needs Christ to heal them, you-and the proof that you are-very well could be one of the prerequisites to their healing.

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