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Different Boo-boo, Same Principle

Here's a weird story. One time, some rude, flying insect stung my ear. Then, four months later, my ear still hurt. I promise there's a moral to this story if you can really stretch yourself. It started out with me ignoring it and figuring it would just go away. About a month later, I went the the ER to check it out. (I'm not the baby you think I am. My sister works in the ER, so we pulled a doctor aside when he had down time.) If I'm being honest with myself, that probably wasn't the most morally correct thing to do. The outcome? Doctor gives me antibiotic. Antibiotic doesn't work. Another ER doctor looks at it a month or so later. Other doctor gives me another antibiotic. Other antibiotic doesn't work. Ear still hurts.

And then I set up a real appointment with a doctor, and guess what he said? It just needs care and time. (Disclaimer: I'm not making any sort of "political statement." I believe in medicine, but for the sake of this story, just deal with it.) The simple steps: keep the ear dry, put vaseline on it to protect it, and be patient.

>>>>Before I forget, that picture is, in fact, an ear. Sorry.<<<<

Connection: sometimes, when we or someone else makes a mistake, we get a boo-boo (emotional, spiritual, etc.). First, we pretend like it's not there. We hide it. But then, the pain gets irritating enough, so we try to patch it up with stuff that's not actually going to work. We artificially "fix" the problem. (Again, not making a political statement.)

Finally, we realize that we're going to have to do it the right way. We take the steps and give it the time.

And the best part: then you can be the proof of healing. I don't know that I'll run into anyone else who has the same problem I do with my ear, but the principle will be the same. I can advise another person to take the little steps and be patient to let their own, unique boo-boo heal. Just the same, you probably aren't going to run into someone with the same kind of emotional or spiritual boo-boo you have, but you can be the proof that healing is possible. Your healing ends up reaching more than just you, which I'm pretty sure was what He intended all along.

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